
2 Free Ways to Convert Bootable USB to ISO on Windows 10

Way 1: Convert Bootable USB to ISO with iSumsoft ShapeISO. iSumsoft ShapeISO is multifunctional and free software that can assist you to create ISO image file ...

Can I export bootable USB disks to ISO images?

2023年1月26日 — You can make an exact image of a USB drive with PassMark's ImageUSB, or export the USB as ISO using usbimager. Just use the same tool on the ...

Converting a Bootable USB Drive to ISO File

2024年3月18日 — mkisofs is a command-line tool in Linux for creating ISO 9660 file system images, typically for generating CD and DVD images. Hence, we can use ...

How to Create ISO from Bootable USB in Windows 10?

2020年5月22日 — And Run that tool and create your own iso file or usb device easily. ... usb-to-iso-image-file.html. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask, if ...

How to make an ISO from a USB thumb drive?

2023年7月17日 — I have a bootable Windows 10 installation thumb drive. I would like to make an ISO from it. I have seen suggestions for using ImageUSB, ...


Program Information. ISO to USB is a free and small software that can burn the ISO image file directly to the USB drives, these USB drives include USB flash ...


Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB ... All versions of Rufus since v1.1.0 allow the creation of a bootable USB from an ISO image (.iso).

USB Image Tool 1.90 免安裝版

2022年9月28日 — USB Image Tool can create images of USB flash drives and MP3 players, that are mounted as USB drives. It allows you switch between images with ...


Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files. With ventoy, you don't need to format the disk over and over, ...


Way1:ConvertBootableUSBtoISOwithiSumsoftShapeISO.iSumsoftShapeISOismultifunctionalandfreesoftwarethatcanassistyoutocreateISOimagefile ...,2023年1月26日—YoucanmakeanexactimageofaUSBdrivewithPassMark'sImageUSB,orexporttheUSBasISOusingusbimager.Justusethesametoolonthe ...,2024年3月18日—mkisofsisacommand-linetoolinLinuxforcreatingISO9660filesystemimages,typicallyforgeneratingCDandDVDimages.Hence,w...

Rufus 4.5 最簡單的方式製作開機隨身碟

Rufus 4.5 最簡單的方式製作開機隨身碟


USB Image Tool 1.70 USB隨身碟也可以image備份

USB Image Tool 1.70 USB隨身碟也可以image備份


ISO TO USB - 光碟影像製作成USB開機隨身碟

ISO TO USB - 光碟影像製作成USB開機隨身碟
